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Spice Route India Newsletter

Message from National Secretary

Dr. Jyotika Gupta

Well, its been six months since we launched our newsletter. We are happy to release the next edition, albeit with a delay.

The recovery from the pandemic has kept us all busy, personally and professionally. Many of us went through tough times during the last year and came out victorious in many different ways. The lessons learnt are enough to make us understand the importance of being for each other in every situation.

Spice Route India – AFPI is one such family that has been together , and stuck with each other . To sum it up, we have had online sessions for post graduates and new young practitioners to discuss clinical cases, PG orientation for new joinees, interactive and cultural sessions on the regional level, discussions about the COVID situation in various countries around the globe, under the WONCA banner ,and innumerable café meetings for the chit- chats !

In many states, the council has expanded and included the State secretary and FM 360 coordinator, which has given a boost to the entire movement. Regular academic sessions are being conducted in almost each state of this country, despite fighting the pandemic on one side.

We look back at 2020 with a smile, thank you for your unconditional support, do stand by each other, and see you all soon!

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