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Spice Route India Newsletter
Message from Editorial Board

Season’s greetings!

Spice Route India Movement and the editorial team wishes everyone a safe and healthy new year ahead.

The year 2020 has come to an end. And it belonged to the frontline healthcare workers who have worked tirelessly, relentlessly against the COVID-19 pandemic. With the advent of several effective vaccines (Covaxin, Moderna, Pfizer, Oxford), the vaccination drive against COVID-19 is imminent and the frontline healthcare workers are the first beneficiaries who are soon receiving an effective armour to fight this war. These are times of uncertainties, continuous learning, and loss. But as they say, great changes are often preceded by chaos.

The pandemic has made the gaps and inefficiencies in our healthcare system more apparent and hence taught us several lessons. And one of these is the realisation of the value of a family physician or a primary care physician in the community. The physician who cares and provides relationship based care that goes much beyond science and illness is the need of the hour for better health of people and the pandemic has again brought this out in many touching ways.

The current issue of the newsletter has many such stories and experiences from these professionals being part of the pandemic and beyond. This current issue is also special as we have two articles from graduate students, one a poem in the creative corner and the other being a self- reflection.

We hope you enjoy reading these journeys and that it inspires you to contribute to the upcoming issues of the newsletter. Because your voices, and footprints matter for a healthy nation.

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