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Nothing comes past my mind
Pain, nothing but sheer pain.
Each tiny jolt inviting hell.
I hear the cries, engulfing me whole.

My hands, legs, chest and back
They held me up, my head loomed.
My eyes saw light, grey then black
The last I heard was 'to ED'.

I woke up with a jolt
Numbness took me by the storm
And then they knuckled me down,
The sheer grit in their eyes.
I gagged, as it went past my throat.

Little did I know,
That I would shrivel to the pain
The kind of pain,
that would knock you down,
past your strength.

I realised with fear this might be my last.
I overheard them say I might not make it.
I quivered as I chose to speak,
I struggled to open my eyes.

Alas! I realised I’m as fragile,
As helpless as a baby would be.
Then I hear them - talk, fleet and move,
Do they know for heaven’s sake,
that my cells scream for a little solace?

Opening my eyes was getting to heaven.
Little did they shudder as they cleaned me up
Those kind eyes smiled, like watching their child
Greeting me, as a mom would, each dawn.

Waking up, I traced the four walls,
And there abode,
The Lord with the divine smile.
And I searched frantically for those
who led me through this new life.

I found them in new faces
Kind enough to visit me in turns.
They brought them in, my kith and kin.
For this new life,
Forever grateful shall I remain.

The doctors in shining armour,
And the angels in disguise,
The ones unnamed,
But the faces engraved.

Thankful shall I remain,
For the new life I abode.

Dr Mathews Marian Mathew & Dr Anuna Vinod
DNB Residents, Dept of Family Medicine,
Lourdes Hospital, Kochi, Kerala, India

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