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Spice Route India Newsletter

Message from National Secretary

Dr. Jyotika Gupta

I welcome you all to reading the first ever edition of a newsletter from Spice Route India. Six months back, we had not imagined that we will be able to release this today, but we believed we could do this!

When I was nominated to be the National Secretary, I knew I had an uphill task of taking this movement forward. I accepted this challenge and along with my council members, started working towards our goal, to gain recognition across the country, South Asia Region and the world.

No sooner did we start, that the pandemic happened. But we didn’t stop. We used this chance to meet online and that’s when the idea for starting this newsletter was conceived and it has taken this form today.

I have also tried to outline all the academic activities that our team has done in the past few months. Do give us your precious feedback, so we can keep improving continuously.

I hope each one of you reading this, will be able to see the efforts put in by our team in compiling the articles as well as designing this piece of art. I encourage and appeal to all the members of this organization to walk with us in this journey and strengthen this movement. We should use this opportunity and platform to hone our skills, network with peers and grow as individuals too.

See you in the next edition!

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