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The invisible hand

Dr. Digbijoy

Something, we have been gradually and systematically programmed to ignore
And even ridicule in our society, right from the time we are born.
Well you know what happens at the slightest mention of the "M" bomb!
People around tend to go silent, and start throwing disapproving looks,
Avoid each other's gaze.

No! It ain't "MAGIC" at Number 4 Privet Drive that I am talking about.
And yet, rarely do we react very differently.
The ridicule, the laughter, the taunts ...have they really gone quiet over the years?
As we became more educated?
Or has the march of the darkness progressed unabated, gathering pace, as we speak.

The task at hand is a mammoth one and the cause, even bigger.
One that may take us deeper into the forbidden forest,
Even concede defeat in battle, in order to win the war.
We have lost many celebrities to this silent pandemic.
Even though we often feel, money, fame, power & the limelight are enough
To ward off the darkness, but in reality, our quest for material gains often takes us further
Towards the darkness, and farther away from the warmth of our near & dear ones.

We may become role models for others, crusade against the problem,
But the destination of our fight may not necessarily be a happy one at the day's end.
And yet...The fight is important.
"YES! I believe you!" Indeed you fought long and you fought hard.
But you can’t fight it all alone, Can you?

The darkness is far too great for the lone warrior to defeat, without the help from everyone
Too great to be conquered with occasional words of compassion.
It ought to be fought day in and day out, with warriors, committed to the cause.
That includes doctors as well as common people, family members, friends, everyone.
The darkness won’t accept defeat so easily, and more so, because it lies within.

May the brave souls, we lost so early, Rest in peace.
Hope we don't let your death go in vain.
Even in death, you compel us to act against this darkness.
Wish we were able to pull you out, before it engulfed you.
Don’t waste time, everyone, for the dementors are coming.
Let’s hold on to our happy memories a bit tighter and produce a stronger Patronus Charm!

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