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Spice Route India Newsletter

Message from National Chair

Dr. Serin Kuriakose

Hello Dear Readers !

It gives me immense happiness to present to you the first edition of the Spice Route India Newsletter. The National Council took charge in October 2019, and extension of the council to include the young state leads happened early this year. Considering the current scenario of the pandemic, it has been a herculean task to gather all members of the council for the new usual, online meetings. Within a short period of time, we have been successful in delineating a separate team for the editorial. And I proudly present this piece of literature to the fraternity of family medicine, which has been completely compiled, edited and designed by the members of Spice Route India.

Each member has put in their efforts to write, edit and review articles. I feel fortunate to have gotten this opportunity to lead this enthusiastic team of young leaders who are forever bubbling with ideas for taking this movement forward. AFPI has always encouraged young family doctors to take up leadership positions and I intend to continue that tradition.

Despite this pandemic situation, we have tried to showcase a variety of articles that are a mix of experiences and practice reflections as well as used this opportunity to bring forth our hidden talents.

Presenting to you, this newsletter..

Hope you look forward to the next edition !

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Contact us at TheSpiceRouteIndia@gmail.com

Designed by Dr. Serin Kuriakose