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Spice Route India Newsletter


Message from editorial board

Spice Route India Newsletter editorial board takes immense pleasure to welcome you to the first issue of the newsletter this August on International Youth Day.

We take pride in stating that, just within weeks of planning and brainstorming on bringing out a newsletter that is of our own, we received enthusiastic response from residents and young family doctors across India.

The Spice Route India newsletter aims to be the most sought after up-to-date yet informal source of speciality information among young family physicians of the country. A place to share knowledge, practice experiences, stories from training days, and also to showcase the forgotten or hidden talent of .................. continue reading

Meet the editoral team

Message from National Chair

Dr. Serin Kuriakose

Hello Dear Readers !
It gives me immense happiness to present to you the first edition of the Spice Route India Newsletter. The National Council took charge in October 2019, and extension of the council to include the young state leads happened early this year. Considering the current scenario of the pandemic, it has been a herculean task to gather all members of the council for the new usual, online meetings. Within a short period of time, we have been successful in delineating a separate team for the editorial. And I proudly present this piece of literature to the fraternity of family medicine, which has been completely compiled, edited and designed by the members of Spice Route India.
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Message from National Secretary

Dr. Jyotika Gupta

I welcome you all to reading the first ever edition of a newsletter from Spice Route India. Six months back, we had not imagined that we will be able to release this today, but we believed we could do this!

When I was nominated to be the National Secretary, I knew I had an uphill task of taking this movement forward. I accepted this challenge and along with my council members, started working towards our goal, to gain recognition across the country, South Asia Region and the world.
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Message from FM 360 coordinator

Dr. Kailas P

It is my pleasure to extend heartfelt greetings to the readers of the first issue of Spice Route India movement newsletter. The Family Medicine 360° Program is a global exchange program for medical doctors training in Family Medicine/General Practice and junior Family Doctors/General Practitioners (within five years of completing residency training). The Family Medicine 360° Program was formally launched in 2013 during the 20th WONCA World Conference in Prague. Its aim is to promote intercultural exchanges, so as to give doctors an opportunity to learn from each other in different cultural and socio-economic contexts. The challenges faced at primary health care level varies across the country. Hence, our plan is to encourage exchanges within the city, state and country. The COVID-19 pandemic
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Vision & Mission of Spice Route India

The Spice Route India Movement

By engaging the young minds of budding family physicians of the country, we aim to nurture, guide and encourage them to take this discipline to greater heights

We aim to be able to provide high quality primary health care, which focuses on the body, mind and all the social aspects of well being Develop networking skills and partake responsibilities in all the National, Regional and International events pertaining to the discipline

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Creative Corner

Thankfully yours

Dr Mathews Marian Mathew & Dr Anuna Vinod

Nothing comes past my mind
Pain, nothing but sheer pain.
Each tiny jolt inviting hell.
I hear the cries, engulfing me whole.

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The Invisible Hand

Dr. Digbijoy Choudhary

Something, we have been gradually and systematically programmed to ignore
And even ridicule in our society, right from the time we are born.
Well you know what happens at the slightest mention of the "M" bomb!
People around tend to go silent, and start throwing disapproving looks,
Avoid each other's gaze.

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Q&A Corner

In conversation with Dr. B.C. Rao

Dr. B.C. Rao & Dr. Jyotika Gupta

Dr Jyotika: Why did you choose to be a Family Physician?

Dr B C Rao:In the sixties and seventies, a fresh medical graduate had three choices. Either one went abroad to the US or UK or one stayed back in India. Back then, US faced a shortage of doctors. We gave our entrance test [ECFMG] in our final year or during internship and went to US or UK. Many of us who came from poorer socioeconomic backgrounds and with family responsibilities, .....
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Being a family Doctor

Dr Swathi S Balachandra

A Family Doctor as a leader!

In my opinion, a family doctor is a leader first and a doctor next. For effective patient care and practice, a practitioner needs to build a team, figure out finances, market the practice, ensure right partnerships for the patient care. We treat, talk, train, write, research, advocate, make mistakes and learn from them, adapt, improve, and make lives better.

I would like to highlight some of these aspects through the following practice reflections:

Network building

Our early education has in some way made us think that a practitioner is supposed to know it all. Examinations are very individual focussed. But in real-world practice, delivering primary care to people is much more complex, often requiring its own teams, working with other local practitioners and hospitals. Involving the right partners in the care often brings....
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Importance of emotional well being of healthcare workers during the ongoing covid-19 pandemic

Dr. Sona Mitra

COVID19 has taken a toll on the Indian psyche. According to Indian Psychiatry Society, the number of mental health cases including depression and anxiety has risen by 20% since the lockdown was announced. These grim statistics are likely to paint an even grimmer picture for health care professionals.

Factors influencing mental health of healthcare workers

Healthcare workers are not just treating numerous critically ill patients, but they are also risking their own health. Initially there was only anxiety of getting infected. As the days passed, doctors witnessed higher rates of deaths and experienced breakdown of protocol (shortage of staff and PPE kits) and support in respective institutions
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Happy Hypoxia in COVID

Vaibhav Kashyap 1, Santosh Kumar 2

The coronavirus disease is no longer just a pandemic. It is a mystery that has baffled doctors and collapsed the most robust health infrastructures in the world. The novel virus is regularly presenting with an array of peculiarities, but one of them appears to be flouting at one of the most basic and established scientific principles. Happy hypoxia or silent hypoxia is the condition when COVID-19 patients present with oxygen saturation, which is significantly low and life-endangering (as little as 50%), but without any difficulty in breathing or dyspnea.

Hypoxia, in general, is defined as the lack of adequate oxygen in blood, tissues, or cells. Usually, the oxygen saturation is >95%, but in respiratory disorders like chronic emphysema or pneumonia, where the lungs are not competent enough to breathe appropriately, blood saturation of oxygen falls dramatically,
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A practical approach to effective pain management in General Practice!

Dr. Nepuni Athikho

Palliative care, as described by the WHO is 'an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual.’

‘Total pain management’ is the core responsibility of a family physician, he / she being in touch with the entire family and knowing each member better than any other practitioner.

The GP is in a unique position , especially in the context of managing
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Information Mastery – Judicious Use Of Available Resources By Family Medicine Residents

Dr. Gunjan Jha

A lucid flow of knowledge from source to seeker has never been as easy as it is today. The concept of ‘Evidence Based Medicine’ (EBM) is a core feature of modern medicine. This approach accepts that there is a hierarchy of evidence and that ‘conclusions’ related from ‘controlled experiments’ are accorded greater credibility than conclusions grounded in other sorts of evidence. To gain access to the most verified, authentic and evolving data we turn towards an ever expanding sea of journals. The medical literature expands with the publication of roughly 75 journals and 11 systematic reviews daily. Therefore here we need to understand that evidence based medicine is a tool to support high quality clinical practice and not to substitute the shared-decision making process followed by the healthcare team.
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Regional Corner

Diabetes - How to manage?

Dr.Sujeet Mishra

According to the latest assessment by the International Diabetes Federation, our country has the highest number of diabetic patients after China and is estimated to be the highest in 2030. The World Health Organization's assessment further indicates towards a worrisome situation. According to WHO, half of the diabetic patients in India do not know that they have diabetes and half of those who do , do not have good control , and the main reason for this lack of correct information. This poem has been written for those who do not have access to general knowledge of diabetes.........
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Quiz Time

Medical quiz

Dr. Sona Mitra

1. A 50-year-old man presented with central crushing chest pain. He is immediately taken to Emergency department where basic investigations are done. He is then immediately shifted to cardiac unit for percutaneous coronary intervention. There is thrombosis of Left circumflex artery. Angioplasty was done with drug eluting stent.
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Contact us at TheSpiceRouteIndia@gmail.com

Designed by Dr. Serin Kuriakose